How Is Your Organisation Equipping People Leaders to Manage and Boost Employee Wellbeing?
With an increased call to action and emerging legislative obligations surrounding employee wellbeing and psychosocial risks, it is imperative we prepare our leaders.
The expectations of managers and leaders have changed dramatically over the years. We now expect our leaders to deliver on operational requirements, meet challenging deadlines, drive performance, lead and navigate change initiatives (all the while getting up to speed with them at the same time) and improve employee engagement and boost wellbeing.
We know businesses and the people who lead them have had a challenging few years trying to get on top of the operational and financial impacts from COVID-19, increased sickness, turnover and heightened health anxiety in the workplace.
We know that looking after our own and our people’s mental wellbeing delivers returns both personally and for the workplace, yet many organisations are lagging behind in investing in wellbeing for their staff members.
Why is this the case?
Are there competing priorities? “We don’t have time for another training program”
Is it because organisations feel they are already doing enough to support wellbeing? “We have an EAP” or “Staff can book into onsite yoga classes”
In a recent study by Deloite it was found that executives are significantly overestimating how well their employees are feeling. The study also showed that employee satisfaction with how much support they received from leaders, fell short.
There remains a disconnect between what workplaces are offering and the ability for employees to function well and receive the support they need.
And then comes the recent International Standard: ISO 45003 Occupational health and safety management — Psychological health and safety at work — Guidelines for managing psychosocial risks.
Plus new legislation or proposed legislation in each state, which raises the importance of managing psychosocial risk factors in the workplace. These regulations and the ISO standard introduce a new set of standards our leaders will need to get familiar with, if they haven’t come across them already.
But wait! How are we supporting our leaders to deliver on these new expectations?
Leaders are already struggling with information overload and managing their own stress.
If we expect leaders to meet all these expectations and help staff members, we need to invest in them too.
Leaders should be encouraged to carve out the time to look after themselves and be equipped with evidence-based skills and knowledge to manage their own mental wellbeing. If leaders are operating in a manic state or struggling with their mood, this will also have a flow on effect on those around them. Leaders need to stop and check in on their own mental health if we expect them to support anyone else.
In addition, leaders also need relevant and practical information for supporting their people, including awareness of psychosocial risks, how they can influence them and practical strategies to address those within their influence.