Our Vision...
A world where people have the skills to build their mental health and grow through life's challenges.
Our Impact
Up to 92% of participants reported meaningful
improvements in Mental Health & Wellbeing outcomes.
For every $1 organisations invest they receive up to a $6
return on investment.
Over 20K measurements taken, 5K individual program participants. 40+ Certified Trainers across Australia.
We offer proven, practical tools to understand, improve and evaluate mental health and wellbeing.
​Why? Because everyone has the right and the ability
to flourish in their unique circumstances.
Be Well Tracker
The Be Well Tracker is a secure online wellbeing measurement tool providing individual and organisational mental health insights allowing them to track changes over time.
Training & Content
Be Well Plan
The Be Well Plan and Masterclasses allow participants to create a personalised wellbeing plan, supported by online content via our App. Training is delivered in group settings by Certified Trainers
in-person or online.
Be Well Consulting
Our team of experts provide a range of consulting services, including commissioned research and independent evaluations to determine impact within organisations and their initiatives.
Contact us to discuss how we can help you with your workplace wellbeing strategy.