On 10 November 2021, we celebrated the official launch of Be Well Co with our partners and supporters.
Be Well Co is SAHMRI’s first spin out entity, focussed on translating wellbeing science into large scale impact. We were thrilled to have a stellar line up join us on the night with Jess Adamson onboard as our Emcee and the following eight speakers:
Raymond Spencer, Chair, SAHMRI
Steve Wesselingh, Executive Director, SAHMRI
The Hon. David Pisoni MP, Minister for Innovation and Skills
The Right Honourable The Lord Mayor of Adelaide, Sandy Verschoor
David Reynolds, Chief Executive, Department of Treasury and Finance
Adrian Esplin, CEO, SARAH Constructions
Monique Newberry and Joep van Agteren, Co-Leads, Be Well Co
Key quotes from our speakers on the night:
"The biggest asset of any organisation or community is its human capital…. that requires us all to invest in building skills and capacity to function at our best; to face and solve complex problems, to take risks and to seize opportunities in order to continue to evolve as a society."
- Raymond Spencer
"We need new ways to deal with the challenge that is mental health….Be Well Co aims to do just that; with evidence-based research at the core. Finding new ways to measure mental health, not just mental illness. Finding new approaches to improve wellbeing and testing new approaches to tackle distress." - Steve Wesselingh
"It’s important for everyone to really check-in on themselves and others to see how you’re really doing. Through personally doing the Be Well Plan I discovered Mindful Walking. I’m always going between meetings, so for 10 minutes I know I can check-in with myself, my surroundings, and keep grounded and balanced." - Sandy Verschoor
“Be Well Co stood out in the market...they have the perfect combination of the science with the practical tools that can be used every day…. I tell my people this is about YOU, not just in the workplace. It’s about learning the skills to get ready for life and the challenges that come up for us all.“ - David Reynolds
"Our industry is always under pressure and adding another disruptor, such as covid, can be enough to take people over the edge. Running the Be Well Tracker across the business
helped us see the teams that needed more support so we can now put in place different strategies for those groups." - Adrian Esplin
"We need to tackle both rising distress and declining wellbeing if we want to have an impact on mental health. Our data tells us this is 2 out of 3 people. We all have a role to play in building the mental health of our people." - Monique Newberry
"Every single one of us can positively impact the way we feel and build our mental health. Our work has proven this to be the case across all walks of life and sectors of society." - Joep van Agteren
Our photographer, Catherine Leo was able to capture moments from the launch. We've selected a few key photos and shared them below in a gallery.
We wish to extend a sincere thank you to all those who joined us on the night and are looking forward to growing our impact in the future.